Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Jillian's 13 lbs

Why do I want to spin 4 oz of fiber a week? I have a whole host of answers among them - to become a better spinner, to have a little corner of my life that is only about me - not family, not work - just me, to revel in and use my fiber stash - it's become a museum & to play.

First up for me was to break the Abby Batt tabu. I have a bunch of Abby Batts in my stash and I won't spin them because then they'll be gone. What if I want to use them for something better later? What if I totally suck spin them? Abby herself would laugh her ass off knowing her batts had hit Most Precious Status in my stash. "Just fucking spin them" she'd say, and she'd hand me a beer. So I did.

What: Abby Batt, 4oz, merino silk

Color: Beth & I call it Pretzel, Abby rarely names names

Where: The Spinning Loft

Spun: lofty single, 172 yds, 15 wpi

Lesson: there are no precious batts

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